Saturday, March 1, 2014

Blogs in the Classroom

Blogs can be used many ways in the elementary school classroom. Depending on the age of my students I could use a blog to communicate with my students about assignments or projects or any changes I think they should know about. I think that I would find blogs more helpful in communicating with parents rather than students. I could post details about upcoming school events such as class parties and assembles. A blog would be a great way to contact parents about field trips and to gather volunteers. You could also post the homework assignments for the day so that parents and/or students could see what is due the next day. Personally, I can see myself using a blog as more of a general communication tool. I think it would be good to make sort of a "newsletter" once a week that contains a summary of what the students accomplished this week and what to prepare for for the upcoming week. This would be a great way to keep in touch with all of your students parents and avoid a lot of questions coming through emails.

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